Set Alternative Text
While all content in the PDF must be tagged sometimes additional information is neccessary to make the document fully compliant. Tags such as figures or shapes should contain additional alternate text that helps describe the image to the user. Alternative text can also be used to provide additional explanations (such as a portion of text in another language) to tagged text content as well.
When setting alternate text on a tag it's important that a Language value is set to ensure accessibility tools such as screen readers know how interpret the contents of the alternate text.
Follow the instructions below to set alternate text on any tagged content within the PDF.
How to Set Alternative Text
- Access the Tags pane by clicking the
Tags button on the left side of Xodo PDF Studio
- Right click (Mac: Ctrl + Click) on the tag you wish to edit and choose Properties in the mouse menu.
- In the tag property dialog set the Alternative Text you wish to use
- Click OK to apply the changes